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Showing posts from February, 2018

Artificial Clouds in Unusual Spaces **NOT Photoshopped**

Hey what's up everyone, Hope you're having a great afternoon! The YouTube video below is about Berndnaut Smilde . He is a visual artist from The Netherlands that created artificial clouds for his series called Nimbus ; where he created clouds in unusual spaces such as buildings & then photographed them. I thought this would be a  cool video to share. I placed the link to his website down below, if you'd like to see more. E njoy & Happy Taco Tuesday ! My Links Website: Instagram: @Itsmealexblogs Berndnaut Smilde

99¢ Photoshoot! **SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT**

Hey everyone, Today’s blog is mainly going to consist of a video that I wanted to share with you for two reasons: People normally think that you have to spend a significant amount of money on a photoshoot. (T his is completely false, I mean you can but you don’t have too.)  You can use found objects, go to the dollar store or even thrift store. In this video, Lucas Blalock , a New York based photographer, uses dollar store items to create unique compositions & some great photography.   Lucas Blalock's 99¢ Store Still Life's | "New York Close Up" | Art21 If you liked what you read please share this blog by hitting the "Share" button at the bottom of the page & leave a comment on what you would like me to blog about next. I appreciate you; h ope you enjoyed this video & have a great rest of your day. See you next Tuesday!  Website: Instagram: @Itsmeale

Deep Meanings, Butterflies & Dark Humor

I think about thinking, 2000 Today, I’m going to be sharing a couple of my favorite photos from a photographer, Duane Michals . Duane is known for writing notes (annotating) on his photography & having a dark sense of humor. I will be briefly touching on each photo to keep the descriptions short and sweet. Michals received a BA from the University of Denver in 1953 & worked as a graphic designer until his involvement with photography deepened in the late 1950s. He currently lives & works in New York City. “I think about thinking”   shows Duane in a chair, reading an open book that has the sentence “I think about thinking.” This self-portrait is about vanity & how he wants people to perceive him. He wants people to see what he is about & not judge him on how he looks.   Dr. Heisenberg's Magic Mirror of Uncertainty, 1998, (6) 5x7in. "Dr. Heisenberg's Magic Mirror of Uncertainty"  suggests that u ncertainty allows the c

Hello & Welcome!

Hey everyone, Welcome to the new blog! Duane Michals, Summer , 1980, 15 7/8 x 19 3/4 in First off, thank you for taking time out of your busy day to check out my blog. If you are new to my blogs, I talk about art, artists & projects that I am currently working on. I will be posting Tuesdays & Thursdays around noon . So if you are an artist, just enjoy art in general or know someone enjoys art this is the place for you.  I’ve taken some time to brainstorm some different ideas & sketch out a few things since the last time we spoke. On Thursday, I will be talking about Duane Michals , a photographer with a really interesting body oh artwork. Next week I will talk about my main project at the moment. So STAY TUNED! If you want to know a little bit more about me & see some of my artwork, please check out my website & social media: Website: Instagram: @Itsmealexblogs